Sunday 12 August 2012

Peruvian ramblings

Ok so Im almost back from Peru, by which I mean that I fly today at 7pm and I get back to England the next day at 5pm. Thats an insane amount of flying, until you realize it does factor in 6 hours of time delay so in reality its a stupid amount of flying AND jetlag.
My key issue is whilst Ive had an utterly wonderful time out here and quiet frankly would never leave if it were up to me, I still cant get over my disapointment that there are no llamas on Peru money. I mean why? Thats all Peru is, llamas and tourists! America has a non existant bird on their money (or so Im lead to believe), we have the queen on ours. Those are my two examples. Get your famous animals on your money people! Oh I hear you cry but llamas are not everywhere so it would be unfair to the people who dont have access to llama lovin to display them upon the monies. Well the queen isnt everywhere either buddy, contrary to popular belief we dont all know her and go around the corner to her palace for tea. I obviously do, but the others are less lucky. Im fairly certain that Americas bird is no where, but it may be somewhere. In the hearts of its citizens perhaps? But no one can see it so it doesnt count in this example.

 Oh but maybe its racist or culturally insensitive to have positive sterotypical views of a country on your money? you know what? Good! Everything would be better if a country made itself look cooler by displaying its awesomeness upon its money. Like if Peru money had llamas on it, they could have a festival once a year where llamas are paraded around the country being bad ass and everyone gets drunk and dances. Then that one guy takes it too far steals one and tries to spit roast it on a beach somewhere, but thats tourists for you. Ruining everything for the honest hard working Peruvian people! Then in America they could have trailer trash and black people eating chicken or corn or whatever. I dont know, black people eating anything is considered racist in America nowadays right? Of course if the money spends longer than 24 hours outside a bank it will explode in a tiny nuclear explosion and there will be mushroom clouds of joy appearing. A country that can laugh at its own stereotypes is no longer ruled by them and will kick the ass out of everyone. It wont matter that people make jokes about it because they did it first. Though its not really animal based and Im pretty sure it may be hailed as the next halocaust... But the only other badass thing america has is bears, and that just would start a war between them and Russia or be hailed as communistic. Probably best to just keep the dead bird as being America I think. Obviously Russia would be bears and smell like vodka. The Euro would just have a picture of a table with a thing to represent the country so whiskey, cheese, sausages, chocolate, beer all that stuff. But it would look like a poor attempt to outdo Austrailia for awesomeness. Their money would look like a child overdosed on cake and coke and went crazy with a pencil. Just every animals that can kill you squished into once place. Maybe theyd be cool and group it together so the 5 notes would have insects, the 10s would have snakes, the 20s the marsupials, 50s the sea things and if they have 100s which I think everywhere does (except England because we dont even believe 50s are real most of the time) all the sea stuff that will murder you good. Everyone would go there instantly. Money with pretty things on it! Seriously how could anyone resist?

Ok when I get back I will draw money that countries should have so prepare to be updated in an amount of time!