Friday 25 May 2012

My brain is stupid!

Stupid stupid brain!!
I spend ages trying to think of new things to talk or write about, but my brain just goes on strike. I go for a walk all alone and suddenly all the awesome things that normally exist in my thought processes start falling out of my ears.

I think it may have been the most depressing walk ever, I had all these things I had to say but there was no one around and no technology capable of being typed upon. I started shaking, knowing that by the time I returned to typing devices half the thoughts would have melted away. Lo and behold it has happened :(

I remember some stuff, but my thought patterns can be so erratic that I cant remember how I got to them. 

Though Im going to have to go through all my pictures and rename them to the names I gave them in their adventures. I cant remember what half of them are called and Im afraid I will call new characters similar names. That would clearly be disastrous! If a bear and a hedgehog were accidently ever called the same name then clearly I would have to tell the tragic love story that happened should the two ever meet up, or the dull encounter of them not caring about sharing the same name. I forget where this is heading.. see this is how daft my brain juices are!

Sunday 20 May 2012

This doesnt count as a poem

I saw a bear dance on the moon. 
His eyes were large,
and his teeth were pointy,
yet his glee was forever lasting.

Diamond eyes looked across the land,
when light reflected across  them
lasers shot out and stabbed anything
that was seen by the diamond eyes of the bear
how joyous it is to dance in your own personal laser show!

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Aliens are among us...

When most people think of aliens, these things come to mind:

Im not really sure why, maybe humans are drawn to super sleek silver sexy things? Though ok thats not really super sleek and silver its more slightly wavy and broken, but hush dear readers pretend tis the alien of your hearts desire...

Yeah thats a little weird... and by a little I mean I may have just ruined the stereotypical aliens for myself and anyone else who saw that. Also I think its kind of obvious that I have no idea about cars... for starters I have a serious thought that red is the go to colour for making cars look awesome. Also no cars let alone sporty ones look like that... moving on from that monstrosity I think.

 I mean when people talk about aliens, they always talk about the little green men coming to get you. Yet its the silver aliens to come get you, sitting there watching. Ok opinions have changed now, with the awesome powers of doctor who aliens are all sorts of different types of cool. However when I was a child I thought that all aliens looked like this:

It may have been that I was really hungry for jelly a lot of the time. But I really wanted those kind of aliens to exist, I drew them all the time. There was once a happy family of aliens but Im not drawing that because it took far too long to draw one on his own using this silly touchpad... ok maybe...  anyway Mr Glorganblatz works for the government. He dislikes his job but someone must do it and by doing it he ensures that his family is never subject to the horror of removal from society. At least from the time being... but it is a very large planet and a very overcrowded society filled with many luxuries. The loss of a few every now and again goes unnoticed and is generally viewed as a good thing as those taken are trouble makers and a menace to the pristine society. Once they are returned from their punishment then they will be much better behaved and will appreciate their world much more.
  Mr Glorganblatz,  condenses the trouble makers into tiny delicious cubes of jelly. Though these aliens are quiet big and dont like the whole being condensed thing, so they generally turn into long slabs of the jelly cubes. These are then sent to a distant planet for re-education... originally some of these were returned but as more and more jelly slabs were sent to the planet, the time between returning them grew longer and longer. More were being sent though and some of the higher ups in government fretted that the small planet they were sending the wrong doers to was going to get overflowed. When this concern was portrayed to the planet, they responded that as it was not a widely known thing amongst the general public it was taking a long time to re-educate some of the creatures. However some of the creatures could not be taught better they were rotten to the core. The planet wanted to know if they should execute the prisoners or sent them back to be executed. There was a long deliberation in the government of the jelly like people. Eventually it was decided that their planet was so overcrowded there was no point trying to sent back someone only for public execution. Instead they asked the planet to dispose of the ones who could not be taught better. This was done. Over time the planet said that the aliens were resistant to change and would beg for death rather than be sent back. The planet stopped sending back aliens very often. It was worrying but also a blessing the wondrous planet that the aliens reside on was becoming more and more overcrowded and it was often thought that if the betrayers were capable of change then they would simply over-crowd the planet and revert to their old ways. So they secretly requested that after an initial interview and a time period of one lunar cycle there was no change then the prisoners simply be executed. The planter agreed, but soon it was requesting more prisoners, saying that they had built such a large facility but it was going to waste... It was around this time that the government noticed the usually skinny members of the prisoner planet were looking rather well fed and pudgy around the middle... a horrifying thought occurred but then no one dared to question it. Still it hovered in the air above the government... what if earth was eating the jellies? To curb the ravenous appetite it was agreed that all jelliens near death or dead would be transformed and sent as a gift to appease the hungry earthlings... time was precious...

Since that tale was rather dark please enjoy this picture of Mr Glorganblatz and his family.

I feel bad, jelly and ice cream will surely make me feel better after writing that...

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Im sleepy

Im sleepy... so so sleepy, so much so I feel the need for the first two words and the title to be the same thing! Bet no one else has ever been that sleepy... except for most other lazy people, or those that forget to update their title after writing blog based words. 
I dont know what to write about though, I just feel like writing words down and doing a merry jig. How I would manage to do a jig whilst trying not to fall asleep is beyond me though. I suspect it would be quiet horrific, you have to imagine what Im drawing because I dont know what it is yet. Also anything you imagine will undoubtedly be more better than what a dull doodle done by me will look like, unless it involves dinoplanes or raptercopters or even possibly a creature with the face of an orange and the wings of a dragon. 

I need something fluffy and warm! Only warm fuzz will stop the sleepy/ill feelings. I drew a dragon but he doesnt have a story yet, I feel really bad for him :(