Wednesday 2 May 2012

Im sleepy

Im sleepy... so so sleepy, so much so I feel the need for the first two words and the title to be the same thing! Bet no one else has ever been that sleepy... except for most other lazy people, or those that forget to update their title after writing blog based words. 
I dont know what to write about though, I just feel like writing words down and doing a merry jig. How I would manage to do a jig whilst trying not to fall asleep is beyond me though. I suspect it would be quiet horrific, you have to imagine what Im drawing because I dont know what it is yet. Also anything you imagine will undoubtedly be more better than what a dull doodle done by me will look like, unless it involves dinoplanes or raptercopters or even possibly a creature with the face of an orange and the wings of a dragon. 

I need something fluffy and warm! Only warm fuzz will stop the sleepy/ill feelings. I drew a dragon but he doesnt have a story yet, I feel really bad for him :(

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