Monday 5 March 2012


I've always loved cats. Ever since I was a tiny moonbeam shaped creature they always seemed so amazing and lovely and furry and hugable. I was a crazy cat lady before I even finished with being a teenager, I had 4 at one point that I kept on a regular basis. I started off with one. She was a whore. The first kitten was a beautiful ginger boy so we decided to keep him. We booked her in to get fixed but she ran away before we could take her and only returned when she was pregnant again. Those kittens we gave away except for two, my friend said she would like them so I hung onto them for her. She decided after they were too old for anyone else to want them that she didnt want cats anymore. This is why people are terrible things! I was left with cats I didnt want because I was nice to a friend, the niceties of life I suppose. 

I love my cats though and most others, the change came when I moved across the country for university. I rarely got to see animals, until I moved to where I live now. There are many cats that roam the local area, but they are strange. As you walk down the street they sit under things and just watch, if you happen to see them and they are not under an object strange things happen. The creature that was once cat shaped, freezes and slowly puffs up. Once it has become a giant fluff ball it waits until you blink, then it vanishes. Occasionally you can see a leg disappear on the opposite side of the street.

Its a terrifying thing, Im fairly certain they are shape shifting demons that simply assume the cat shapes thinking most people will leave them alone. They have secret meetings at night and discuss their plans for either global domination or sock theft. No normal cat can move that quickly or fluff up so much. I walked home from work late last night and I clearly interrupted something evil.

Eyes were flashing from every direction, just watching and lurking in the shadows...

These cats are so creepy... I dont want to go outside at night now in case they eat me.

Edit: This post feels unfinished but my brain broke and I dont really know what else to write.. I shall try anyway.

The only thing convincing me these poof balls are not true evil is that when you walk down the street, its tiny yellow eyes flashing at you not blood red ones. Whilst these monster cats are scary, they could be worse. Im just not sure how much time I have left before they realise I am on to their shape shifting demonic ways and decide to neutralise me. I suppose once they are onto me they would watch me more giving me a slight heads up. I would just have to be careful not to walk outside when its dark, I may actually see cats with red eyes. Or no cats at all, that may be worse. 
I could be walking along happy after a late shift at work and enjoying the lack of flashing eyes or giant fluffy creatures walking across my path when suddenly! I would get frozen in place, as a demon cat would be attacking my shadow and stopping me from moving. A simple warning of their power... What damage could these crazy creatures do to me if they really wanted to?!?

I may try to think of happier things that are less likely to make me paranoid of being outside now, like jelly beans ^_^

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