Friday 2 March 2012

This post may be late...

There was an extra day!!! 
I have a special friend who had her 6th official birthday and is getting married later this year. It was amusing! I was going to be all joyous that she got a real birthday, but then I realised that all the people born on the extra day probably celebrate their birthday on the 28th of Feb and 1st of March and just have two whole days of being special. I would totally have several days of being a birthday queen. I'll probably just walk around one day and throw glitter all over the place and eat jelly and ice cream thats the best part of birthdays right?

Aside from being amused on the extra day, I convinced a friend to fill a bed with balloons, danced and drew a picture of a bear on a unicycle.
I then realised that I ran out of paper so it ended up being a bear...
I forgot I am really bad at drawing so it ended up looking like a fat furry owl with legs and something that resembled arms...
I drew this using my own two hands so now I cant even pretend my goofy pictures are so odd because Im using mspaint and a mouse :(
I should be a sad noodle...
Tiny noodle based arms make it super hard to draw. Also there are no fingers..No noodles can draw without fingers!!!
Luckily Im really bad at remembering how to be sad, also I found a much better emotion to have.

Confusion and disbelief.

It was the first of March, at 10am in England I managed to get sunburnt. There are so many things wrong with that sentence I dont even know how to express it!! I mean if I was the sort of person that could go out in the snow and blend into the background and it was also summer I could understand. But Im really really not! Ginger people dont even get sunburnt in that little amount of sun!!!

This post is terrible.

But I am sunburnt and have a cold, my brain cannot cope with this and has turned off. I only know basic functions like sleep and drinking water... I have a weird feeling theres some other function Im supposed to do. Hopefully alien boyfriend will remind me what it is soon.

Next time I remember a coherent writing style!!!

...Im probably lying about that last bit...

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